Thursday, March 01, 2007

Sorry about not updating you sooner since the last post. Time is passing by so fast and I have no idea where it has gone. I am thankful that we rarely feel bored and lacking in activities although nothing extrodinary has been happening. Ben and I are getting to know people in our church and it's been really fun. We are such relational creatures and we want people to know us so badly. It's interesting that God created us to want to be known, just like God wanted us to know him.

God reminded me lately that while I work to help the family, I am still not head of the home. I was so consumed lately on how to provide for us that I have forgotten Ben is the leader of our home. It was wrong of me to think that I can take over Ben's responsibility. When I was consumed in my thoughts about financial stuff, I forgot that God wanted Ben to lead, he wanted us (women) to do nothing that will take over our husband's job. God reminded me that Ben has to step up and lead. I feel so relieved that Ben has the heart to lead. I feel free to trust that I am not responsible for working, taking care of our kids (when we have some), and making everything work. Growing up my mom was the one who held the family together and I learned to take the same mindset; never did I think that God did not intend for the family to work that way. His role for each member in the family is to create a working order that is ultimately healthy and protective in nature. If men take on the leadership role, then women are more free to take on their roles. I have to be reminded that God has something to teach Ben and I am not to get in the way of his learning.

I have grown so much from reading the book, "The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment," by Jeremiah Burroughs. I would even say that this book is essential to every growing Christian. It will help you understand your sin from discontentment and free yourself from the struggles of this world. If you can get through the book, it will enrich your life immensely. Let me quote some of his work.

Page 107 on the burden of prosperity.
"In a Prosperous condition there is the burden of duty. You look only at the sweetness and comfort, the honour and respect that they have who are in a prosperous position, but you must consider the duty that they owe to God. God requires more duty at their hands than at yours. You are ready to be discontented because you have not got such gifts and abilities as others have, but God requires more duty of those who have greater wealth than of you who have not such wealth. Oh, you would fain have the honour, but can you carry the burden of duty? Those who enjoy great wealth and a prosperous condition have a great account to give to God. We are all stewards, and one is a steward to a meaner man, perhaps but to an ordinary knight, another is a steward to a nobleman, an earl; now the steward of the meaner man has not so much as the other under his hand, and shall he be discontented because of this? No, he thinks, I have less, and I will have to give the less account. So your account, in comparison of the minister's and magistrate's, will be nothing; you are to give an account of your own souls and so are they, you are to give an account for your own family and so are they, but you will not have to give account for congregations, and for towns, and cities and countries. You think of princes and kings-Oh, what a glorious position they are in! But what do you think of a king who has to give account for the disorder and wickedness in a kingdom he might possibly have prevented?

Another example of his writing, page 129
You will find a noteworthy story in Plutarch to illustrate this: In the life of Pyrrhus, one Sineus came to him, and would fain have had him desist from the wars, and not war with the Romans. He said to him, "May it please your Majety, it is reported that the Romans are very good men of war, and if it please the gods that we overcome them, what benefit shall we have of that victory?" Pyrrhus answered him, "We shall then straightway conquer all the rest of Italy with ease," "Indeed that is likely which is your Grace speaks," said Sineus, "but when we have won Italy, will our wars end then?" "If the gods were pleased," said Pyrrhus, "that the victory were achieved, the way would then be made open for us to attain great conquests, for who would not
afterwards go into Africa, and so to Carthage?" "But," said Sineus, "when we have everything in our hands what shall we do in the end?" Then Pyrrhus laughing told him again, "We will then be quiet, and take our ease, and have feasts everyday, and be as merry with one another as we possibly can." Said Sineus, "What prevents us now from being as quiet, and merry together, since we enjoy that immediately without further travel and trouble which we would seek for abroad, wich such shedding of blood, and manifest danger? Can you not sit down and be merry now? So a man may think, if I had such a thing, then I would have another, and if I had that, then I should have more; and what if you had got all you desire? Then you would be content. Why? You may be content now without them.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I hope that you will be blessed by it as much as I have.

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