Saturday, April 05, 2003

Many times we expect others to react exactly the way we do when they are faced with the same situation as us because we think we have all the answers. This is simply untrue. I think everyone is different and go about learning things in different ways. I also realized that patience is the key to growth. When you hurry the natural process of growth for some people, it could lead to some devestating results. I always feel that the best way for people to learn is to allow them to experience things for themselves while being supportive and reassuring at the same time. In doing so, you must use your judgement call as to what to "let go" and what to "hold on" to. Also, do we have patience in God's timing for cetain things to happen? On the other hand, are we teachable by God? We must become like Paul when teaching others God's law. The first thing I noticed in his letters to the churches is that he always starts out by giving thanks to God for those people. He praise God for the things they are strong in and prays to God for the things they are lacking. We as brothers and sisters must be gentle in our teachings, be encouraging, be loving, and be wise. Our intentions should not be to criticized because criticism is usually a way to say that you are not good have failed. I am not perfect nor will I ever be. I do criticize, I do show disapproval with the lacking of love. It's a bad state of mind, it makes my heart discontent with God and with others. For me, it shows negative results in helping people grow. For those who are teachers, allow your students to learn, allow your students to struggle. For those people who are weak, don't allow people to put you down because of your faith. Do not lose heart in your walk with God because of your stronger brothers and sisters. Romans 14:1. Accept him whose faith is weak without passing judgement on disputable matters. Here they were talking about eating from the meat after worshiping the idols. From my bible commentary this is what it says about this verse. Paul responds to both weak brothers in love. Both are acting according to their conscience, but their honest scruples do not need to be made into rules for the church. Certainly some issues are central to the faith and are worth fighting for - but many are based on individual differences and should not be legislated. Our principle should be: in essentials, unity,; in nonessentials, liberty; in everything, love. Question? Challenges, call me.

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