Thursday, March 09, 2006

It is spring break and I get to sleep in late, watch as much tv as I want, read, and try out some new recipes. I was also browsing around other people's xanga to see what is new in their life. So much has happened that made me feel completely out of touch with people. Congratuations to those that are getting married. I am so happy for you because marriage is such a wonderful blessing from God.

Ben and I have been wanting a baby so badly. Everytime we see videos with babies in it, we want to start a family right away. However, at this point in life, we feel that it would be best to wait a few years since Ben will start seminary soon. We have decided that we will see where God leads us in a year or two and then reevaluate our priorities. We have been doing pretty well so far and I think there isn't a rush to have kids. We really love spending time with each other these past 8 months.

I am so glad that Ben and an advid reader. I have never met anyone who loves books as much as him. On most days, the mailman comes with a book or two for Ben. I am ok with him spending money on books because I've been told that every pastor needs a good library. Whether or not Ben becomes a pastor, I am glad he invests himself in learning theology and studying doctrines. I believe that every good leader in the church needs to be solidly grounded in their study.

Another thing I am greatful for are all the Godly men in Ben's life. It has been such an experience watching him grow in leadership with others who can converse with him on topics of the church. Although I listen to Ben when he discuss theogy with me, I am in no position to understand all the different spiritual issues. Ben's spiritual dicipline cames from the teachings of the church, his family, and his books.

I am so excited to go to Louisville, KY.

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