Wednesday, August 13, 2003

I been reading Exodus. It is quite interesting to go over it again and find still find so much to learn. Here are some interesting things I found. Moses, was chosen by God before he was born for a specific purpose. Mose's mom gave him up to God and his life was spared. Not only that but she get to take care of him till he grew up because the princess choose her as the caretaker. That shows us that when we give things up to God, he will bless us in return. He showed this severeal times in the bible. The midwives refused to kill the Hebrew babies because they feared God, and God in return, blessed by them saving their lives as well as letting them have families of their own. It's interesting when God spoke to Moses about his job. He was not an extrodinary man. In fact, God ask him to do something he is not good at. "Moses said to the Lord, "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue. "The Lord said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the Lord? NOw go, I will help you speak and will teach you what to say. "Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it. I can relate to his very well. How many times do we run away from things we don't want to do even though God commanded it? It must be hard for him to pull himself away from his comfortable life and put his life in danger by going back to a place where there are terrible memories. Besides that, i can imagine how hard it is for him because he don't have the confidence in himself. I know for myself, I tend to forget that it is the Lord who has providence over my life and not me. The problem with that is when I lose confidence in myself, I tend to believe that something will never happen because i can't do it. If I put faith in myself, might not happen because I might not have a certain ability, but if i put faith in God, I know things will happen if it is the Lord's plan. Some people believe in themselves too much to the point where they think everything they do well is from their own efforts and some people believe in themselves too little where they disreguard the Lord's power. Moses had faith in God. He believe in the Lord. Next, when Moses ask Pharoah to release the Isrealites, Pharoah refused and even increased their work loads. Imagine, how Moses feels? He did what he is suppose to and yet the circumstances got worst and the Isrealites hates him. Not only does Pharoah not do what he wants, his people don't even trust him!! If I were him, my hopes would be gone. It is so easy to be discourage especailly when you try to listen to God but seems to be making things worse. In times of these, we just have to remember that God's plans are perfect even though we might not see it. Alright. Me tired. night

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