Thursday, November 11, 2004

here's an update on me. This semester has been a busy one with work two days a week, volunteer, Organic Chemistry, Microbiology, Community Nutrition, and Food Service. Girl's accountability is on Wednesday, CCF meetings Friday, and church on Sunday. During the week, I attend class, get help with chemistry, attend group meetings, and do nutritional projects.

On top of all the work, I had been dealing with a lot of relational issues. Since I am new to the program, it was hard for me to make friends with people that had been together for many years. It was hard for me not to find support from my peers in the program at first but I believe it is getting better with time.

Group project...I HATE my group project. The real issue is that I cannot work in an environment that is all about business and not about being personal. When people want to get down to business and expect perfection, I fold under pressure. I feel awful and insecure about what I do know. Why does it phase me that some people are mean, insensitive, critical, and rude?

Personal issues....stress for Sam means Ben is the target of my stress. I am sorry Ben. You've been so incredibly kind to me lately. Thanks. I love you.

Personal issues....I have been discouraged lately about who I am. I am not the person God wants me to be. These are humbling times.

1 comment:

blbartlett said...

;-) Not a problem, doll... I love you too.