Friday, January 02, 2004

I'm home from California now. The purpose of the whlole trip was to visit my mom's family and evangelize to them. I went to accommodate my mom and was not exited to go. I rather spend my Christmas at home. On this trip, I learned something about myself and my mom. I learned that she was an extremely determined person and a lot more couragous than I in some ways. When we were with our family, she did most of the evangelizing. She brought many tapes of people's testimonies and got my family to watch it. I was surprised that my family was so willing to listen. Knowing them, it did not seem like them at all. My mom was also able to convince my aunt to go to church but unfortunately, we couldn't find a chinese church. Through this trip I got to see God's grace and his amazing work through my mom.

So Christmas was very plain because I spent it in California and my family did not celebrate Christmas. Over much anticipation Christmas is over. I don't know why i love Christmas so much because we never celebrate it. Last year Ben's grandparents invited me over to their home and I spent Christmas Eve with them. It was my first warm celebration of Christmas.

I am excited to get back to school. At the same time, I am trying to do as much of nothing as possible. Next semester I am going to start my clinicals and it is going to be a tough year. The only thing that pulls me through is knowing that with God, all things are possible. I am very excited to work with my first patient. I am very excited to learn. Right now I still can't see myself as a nurse. There are so much in the medical world that I don't know and I don't know what to expect. During break, I tried to prepare myself by reviewing test taking skills for nursing students and reading up on my physiology. Even so, I am nervious about what is to come. In the past, I been too neglectful of the little details in nursing school. Now, I am not taking any chances. The reason why I did bad in the past was because I didn't care enough. As a nursing student, I now learned that everything is about details. To be good in nursing we must take everything into consideration, we must think critically about every situation. I am very excited for this new challenge.

That's all for now.
blog more later

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